Management Science & Operations Research

    Marco A. Boschetti: Publications

University of Bologna

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International Journals:
  1. M.A. Boschetti, C.G. Broyden. A comparison of three basic conjugate direction methods. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 3, 473-489, 1996. ISSN:1070-5325.
  2. A. Mingozzi, M.A. Boschetti, L. Bianco, S. Ricciardelli. A set partitioning approach to the crew scheduling problem. Operations Research 47, 873-888, 1999. ISSN:0030-364X.
  3. M.A. Boschetti, E. Hadjinconstantinou, A. Mingozzi. New upper bounds for the two-dimensional orthogonal non-guillotine cutting stock problem. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 13, 95-119, 2002. ISSN:1471-678X, DOI:10.1093/imaman/13.2.95.
  4. M.A. Boschetti, A. Mingozzi. The two-dimensional finite bin packing problem. Part I: New lower bounds for the oriented case. 4OR 1, 27-42, 2003. ISSN:1619-4500, DOI:10.1007/s10288-002-0005-z.
  5. M.A. Boschetti, A. Mingozzi. The two-dimensional finite bin packing problem. Part II: New lower and upper bounds. 4OR 1, 135-147, 2003. ISSN:1619-4500, DOI:10.1007/s10288-002-0006-y.
  6. M.A. Boschetti. New lower bounds for the three-dimensional finite bin packing problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 140, 241-258, 2004. ISSN:0166-218X, DOI:10.1016/j.dam.2003.08.004.
  7. M.A. Boschetti, A. Mingozzi, S. Ricciardelli. An exact algorithm for the simplified multi depot crew scheduling problem. Annals of Operations Research 127, 177-201, 2004. ISSN:0254-5330, DOI:10.1023/B:ANOR.0000019089.86834.91.
  8. R. Baldacci, M.A. Boschetti. A cutting-plane approach for the two dimensional orthogonal non-guillotine cutting problem. European Journal of Operational Research 183(3), 1136-1149, 2007. ISSN:0377-2217, DOI:10.1016/j.ejor.2005.11.060.
  9. M.A. Boschetti, A. Mingozzi, S. Ricciardelli. A dual ascent procedure for the set partitioning problem. Discrete Optimization 5(4), 735-747, 2008. ISSN:1572-5286, DOI:10.1016/j.disopt.2008.06.001.
  10. R. Baldacci, M.A. Boschetti, N. Christofides, S. Christofides. Exact methods for large-scale multi-period financial planning problems. Computational Management Science 6(3), 281-306, 2009. ISSN:1619-697X, DOI:10.1007/s10287-006-0037-5.
  11. M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo. Benders decomposition, Lagrangian relaxation and metaheuristic design. Journal of Heuristics 15(3), 283-312, 2009. ISSN:1381-1231, DOI:10.1007/s10732-007-9064-9.
  12. M.A. Boschetti, L. Montaletti. An exact algorithm for the two-dimensional strip packing problem. Operations Research 58(6), 1774-1791, 2010. ISSN:0030-364X, DOI:10.1287/opre.1100.0833.
  13. M.A. Boschetti, L. Montaletti. Online supplement to “An exact algorithm for the two-dimensional strip packing problem”. Operations Research 58(6), e-companion, 1-22, 2010.
  14. M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo, M. Roffilli. A fully distributed Lagrangean solution for a peer-to-peer overlay network design problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 23(1), 90-104, 2011. ISSN:1091-9856, DOI:10.1287/ijoc.1100.0381.
  15. R. Baldacci, M.A. Boschetti, M. Ganovelli, V. Maniezzo. Algorithms for nesting with defects. Discrete Applied Mathematics 163(1), 17-33, 2014. ISSN:0166-218X, DOI:10.1016/j.dam.2012.03.026.
  16. M.A. Boschetti, M. Golfarelli, S. Rizzi, E. Turricchia. A Lagrangian heuristic for sprint planning in agile software development. Computers & Operations Research 43(1), 116-128, 2014. ISSN:0305-0548, DOI:10.1016/j.cor.2013.09.007.
  17. M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo. A Set Covering Based Matheuristic for a Real World City Logistics Problem. International Transactions in Operational Research 22(1), 169-195, 2015. ISSN:1475-3995, DOI:10.1111/itor.12110.
  18. M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo, F. Strappaveccia. Using GPU Computing for Solving the Two-Dimensional Guillotine Cutting Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 28(3), 540-552, 2016. ISSN:1091-9856, DOI:10.1287/ijoc.2016.0693.
  19. M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo, F. Strappaveccia. On-line supplement to “Using GPU Computing for Solving the Two-Dimensional Guillotine Cutting Problem”. INFORMS Journal on Computing 28(3), Supplementary, 1-7, 2016.
  20. M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo, F. Strappaveccia. Route Relaxations on GPU for Vehicle Routing Problems. European Journal of Operational Research 258(2), 456-466, 2017. ISSN:0377-2217, DOI:10.1016/j.ejor.2016.09.050.
  21. M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo, F. Strappaveccia. Membership Overlay Design Optimization with Resource Constraints (accelerated on GPU). Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 133, 286-296, 2019. ISSN:0743-7315, DOI:10.1016/j.jpdc.2018.07.009.
  22. V. Maniezzo, M.A. Boschetti, A. Carbonaro, M. Marzolla, F. Strappaveccia. Client-side Computational Optimization. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 45(2), 1-17, 2019. ISSN:0098-3500, DOI:10.1145/3309549
  23. M.A. Boschetti, M. Golfarelli, S. Graziani. An Exact Method for Shrinking Pivot Tables. Omega 93, 102044, 2020. ISSN:0305-0483, DOI:10.1016/
  24. V. Maniezzo, M.A. Boschetti, W.J. Gutjahr. Stochastic Premarshalling of Block Stacking Warehouses. Omega 102, 102336, 2021. ISSN:0305-0483, DOI:10.1016/
  25. L. Zhou, L. Zhen, R. Baldacci, M. Boschetti, Y. Dai, A. Lim. A Heuristic Algorithm for Solving a Large-scale Real-world Territory Design Problem. Omega 103, 102442, 2021. ISSN:0305-0483, DOI:10.1016/
  26. M.A. Boschetti e V. Maniezzo. Matheuristics: using mathematics for heuristic design. 4OR 20(2), 173-208, 2022. Electronic ISSN: 1614-2411, Print ISSN: 1619-4500, DOI:10.1007/s10288-022-00510-8
  27. M.A. Boschetti, A. Letchford, V. Maniezzo. Matheuristics: Survey and Synthesis. International Transactions in Operational Research 30 (6), 2840-2866, 2023. Electronic ISSN: 1475-3995, Print ISSN: 0969-6016, DOI:10.1111/itor.13301
  28. G. Frisoni, P. Italiani, G. Moro, I. Bartolini, M.A. Boschetti, A. Carbonaro. Graph-Enhanced Biomedical Abstractive Summarization Via Factual Evidence Extraction. Springer Nature (SN) Computer Science 4, 500, 1-19, 2023. Electronic ISSN: 2661-8907, DOI:10.1007/s42979-023-01867-1
  29. M.A. Boschetti, S. Novellani. Last-mile delivery with drone and lockers. Networks 83 (2), 213-235, 2024. Electronic ISSN: 1097-0037, Print ISSN: 0028-3045, DOI:10.1002/net.22190
  30. M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo. Contemporary approaches in matheuristics: an updated survey. Annals of Operations Research 343, 663-700, 2024. Electronic ISSN: 1572-9338, Print ISSN: 0254-5330, DOI:10.1007/s10479-024-06302-z
International Books:
  1. V. Maniezzo, M.A. Boschetti, T. Stuezle. Matheuristics: Algorithms and Implementations. EURO Advanced Tutorials on Operational Research, Springer International Publishing, 2021. ISBN:978-3-030-70276-2, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-70277-9.
International Book Chapters:
  1. M.A. Boschetti, M. Jelasity, V. Maniezzo. An ant approach to membership overlay design. In Ant Colony, Optimization and Swarm Intelligence: proc. ANTS 2004, volume 3172 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 37-48, Springer Verlag, 2004. ISBN:978-3-540-22672-7, DOI:10.1007/b99492.
  2. M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo. An ant system heuristic for the two-dimensional finite bin packing problem: preliminary results. In V. Capasso and J. Periaux, editors, Multidisciplinary Methods for Analysis, Optimization and Control of Complex Systems, volume 6 of Mathematics in Industry, The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, pages 233-247, Springer Verlag, 2004. ISBN:978-3-540-27167-3, DOI:10.1007/3-540-27167-8_7.
  3. V. Maniezzo, R. Baldacci, M.A. Boschetti, M. Zamboni. Scatter search methods for the covering tour problem. In C. Rego and A. Bahram, editors, Metaheuristic Optimization via Memory and Evolution: Tabu Search and Scatter Search, volume 30 of Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series, pages 59-91, Springer, 2005. ISBN:978-0-387-23667-4, DOI:10.1007/0-387-23667-8_3.
  4. M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo, M. Roffilli. GRID-based services for optimized freight distribution. In Service Systems and Service Management, ICSSSM’06, volume I, pages 558-563, IEEE, 2006. ISBN:1-4244-0450-9, DOI:10.1109/ICSSSM.2006.320523.
  5. M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo, M. Roffilli. Decomposition techniques as metaheuristic frameworks. In V. Maniezzo, T. Stutzle, and S. Voss, editors, Matheuristics, Hybridizing Metaheuristics and Mathematical Programming, volume 10 of Annals of Information Systems, pages 135-158, Springer, 2009. ISBN:978-1-4419-1306-7, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4419-1306-7_5.
  6. M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo, M. Roffilli, A. Bolufe Rohler. Matheuristics: Optimization, simulation and control. In M.J. Blesa, C. Blum, L. Di Gaspero, A. Roli, M. Samples, and A. Schaerf, editors, Hybrid Metaheuristics, volume 5818 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 171-177, Springer, 2010. ISBN:978-3-642-04918-7.
  7. E. Bianco, M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo, A. Mingozzi. Real world finite capacity planning: a partial enumeration-based optimizer. 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing 13(1), IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42(4), 2023-2028, 2009. ISSN:1474-6670, DOI:10.3182/20090603-3-RU-2001.0538.
  8. A. Bolufe Rohler, M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo. Soft Variable Fixing in Path Relinking: An Application to ACO Codes. In M. Dorigo, M. Birattari, G. Di Caro, R. Doursat, A. Engelbrecht, D. Floreano, L. Gambardella, R. Gross, E. Sahin, H. Sayama, T. Stutzle, editors, Swarm Intelligence, volume 6234 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 576-577, Springer, 2010. ISBN:978-3-642-15461-4, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-15461-4_68.
  9. M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo. Combining exact methods and heuristics. In Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Wiley, 2011. ISBN:9780470400531, DOI:10.1002/9780470400531.eorms0161.
  10. V. Maniezzo, M.A. Boschetti, P. Manzoni. Self-adaptive Publish/Subscribe Network Design. In L. Di Gaspero, P. Festa, A. Nakib, M. Pavone, editors, Metaheuristics, MIC 2022, volume 13838 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 478-484, Springer, 2023. ISBN:978-3-031-26504-4.
Italian Journals:
  1. M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo. Pianificazione integrata dei viaggi e del carico. Giornale della Logistica, N. 3, Year 6, 100-101, 2006. ISSN:1834-5803.
  2. R. Baldacci, M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo, A. Mingozzi. Quando la matematica puo' aiutare la distribuzione. Logistica Management 179, 73-80, 2007. ISSN:1120-3587.
  3. R. Baldacci, M.A. Boschetti, V. Maniezzo, A. Mingozzi. Supporto all’ottimizzazione della supply chain. Logistica Management 182, 17-24, 2007. ISSN:1120-3587.

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